(608) 709-2712
772 Lois Drive
Sun Prairie, WI 53590

About Us
Landfill Drilling & Piping, Inc.
is a family owned company that prides itself on providing exceptional client service that results in a strong, long-term business relationship. We specialize in the installation of landfill gas collection systems and leachate collection systems throughout the country. Our team of experienced individuals and specialty equipment allows us to tackle even the most demanding installations.

Our Services
We understand how important it is to feel confident and worry free when it comes to the services we provide. Our dedicated staff invests the time and energy necessary to be well prepared for any unique requests or special concerns our clients may have.
Landfill Gas Extraction Wells
With our IMT drill rigs and specialty drilling tools, Landfill Drilling & Piping is able to drill and install gas extraction wells in all different types of waste and to depths up to 200'.
Gas Collection Piping
We have installed miles of gas collection piping at landfills throughout the country. With our specialty fusing equipment and experience we are able to tackle even the most demanding gas collection pipe installations.
Leachate Collection Piping
Our staff understands the importance of a hassle-free leachate collection system.

Our Leaders

John Karsten, P.E.
John has more than 40 years of experience in the environmental industry. He has specialized in landfill gas collection systems and leachate collection systems for more than 30 years. John performs numerous constructability reviews on various projects for the major waste companies and landfills throughout the Midwest. With his experience, John is instrumental in the overseeing of projects and that they are carried out to the highest of quality and standards.
John is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin – Platteville, where he received his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He is active in his industry and has been a guest expert presenter for numerous industry specific organizations.
Robert Karsten, P.E., Esq.
Vice President
Rob has more than 15 years of experience in the environmental industry. His experience ranges from project engineer to project manager, to general counsel. With this variety of experience and knowledge, Rob manages the day-to-day operations of the company.
Rob graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Platteville in 2002, where he received his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He graduated cum laude from the University of Wisconsin Law School– Madison in 2010.